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WITec GmbH

WITec is a manufacturer of high-resolution optical and scanning probe microscopy solutions for scientific and industrial applications. Focusing on innovations and constantly introducing new technologies, WITec is the leading expert for a wide variety of optical, structural, and chemical imaging tasks. Areas of application for WITec’s Imaging systems include life science, biomedical research, polymer sciences, pharmaceutics, geoscience, and nanotechnology.
alpha300 microscope series
The alpha300 series for high-resolution 3D Raman imaging and Scanning Probe Microscopy is one of the most advanced and flexible nano- and macro-analytical research tools available. A modular setup allows for a variety of configurations or extensions to meet individual scientific requirements or budget environments. For high-resolution chemical imaging the WITec Confocal Raman Microscope alpha300 R provides the ability to perform in-situ Raman imaging at a lateral resolution down to 200 nm. Confocal Raman Microscopy allows imaging of the chemical properties of a sample nondestructively while requiring no labeling and only minimal sample preparation if any.
The alpha300 access is a micro-Raman single-spot analysis and mapping microscope. It was specifically engineered for budget-conscious customers with high demands on instrument performance.
Correlative Microscopy
A modular product line allows the combination of different microscopy techniques such as Raman, SEM, NSOM, Profilometry or AFM in one instrument for high-performance correlative microscopy.

Biotech CompaniesAnalytics, Devices
Website address: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/database/details