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Research institutions

Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratorium für biologische Arbeitsgruppen in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The Friedrich-Miescher Laboratory (FML) was founded in 1969 to offer highly qualified junior scientists in the area of biology an opportunity to establish independent research groups and pursue their own line of research within a five-year period. There is no specification as to which kind of biological research should be conducted at the FML, and the focus of research changes with the appointment of each new group leader. In the past, research interests have included developmental biology, neurobiology, cell biology and many other areas of modern biology. With the appointment of Gunnar Rätsch as group leader, the laboratory has broadened this spectrum to include the computational analysis of biological phenomena. The three other current research groups study various aspects of cell division, namely chromosome segregation, sister chromatin cohesion, and nuclear envelope dynamics.

Non-University Research Institution
Healthcare industry
Website address: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/database/details