Press release - 25/09/2023 Autonomous outdoor navigation for machines used in farming, livestock and forestry Autonomous and robust navigation is an essential capability for agricultural robots or machines that are to reach a new level of autonomy to manoeuver safely and reliably in their environment. Fraunhofer IPA will showcase what is currently technologically and economically feasible with live demos at agritechnica, the agricultural trade fair taking place in Hanover from November 12 to 18, 2023.
Press release - 11/10/2023 Land Use: Producing More Food and Storing More Carbon Doubling food production, saving water, and increasing carbon storage capacity – this may sound paradoxical, but would be theoretically feasible. Reaching this goal, however, would require a radical spatial reorganization of land use. This is the conclusion of researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) of Heidelberg University.
Press release - 29/09/2023 Ecological alignment of Artificial Intelligence The European Parliament’s amendments to the proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be defined as a socio-ecological turnaround compared to the European Commission’s existing draft. The parliamentary draft proposes a series of environmental and climate-related provisions which, in the Oeko-Institut’s view, are feasible and technically achievable. The Oeko-Institut has reviewed these proposals in a Policy Paper.
Press release - 14/09/2023 The Cultivated B Initiated Pre-Submission Process towards EFSA Certification for Cultivated Sausage The Cultivated B (TCB) began discussions with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and officially entered the pre-submission process for novel food approval of a novel or non-farmed sausage product. Subsequent to the official submission, TCB will emerge as world’s first biotech company to apply for EFSA certification for cultivated meat. This is a pivotal first step in the evolution of the cultivated meat market.
Press release - 27/10/2023 Lignin coating makes Geotextiles made from environmentally friendly natural fibers durable Textiles are a given in civil engineering. Until now, textiles made of resistant synthetic fibers have been used for this purpose, having a long lifetime. For some applications, however, it would not only be sufficient but even desirable for the auxiliary textile to degrade when it has done its job. Natural fibers, in contrast, often decompose too quickly. The DITF are developing a bio-based protective coating that extends their service life.
Climate-neutral wastewater treatment plants thanks to patented real-time analytics - 08/11/2023 Using AI to reduce greenhouse gases in wastewater companies The wastewater industry is responsible for global greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of global aviation. The start-up Variolytics has found a way to significantly reduce greenhouse gases in wastewater treatment plants using real-time analytics. The patented sensor technology and AI-supported process optimisation offer multiple benefits: in addition to reducing nitrous oxide, the system helps to reduce energy costs and resources.
Recent research shows effectiveness of biosurfactants - 28/11/2023 Combating oil spills - biosurfactants can stimulate microbial oil degradation Oil spills from drilling platforms and tankers cause environmental pollution and a loss of biodiversity. Researchers at the University of Stuttgart, among others, are now using biosurfactants to improve the management of oil spills: their latest research shows that biosurfactants lead to better microbiological degradation of oil components in seawater compared to conventional dispersants.
Facade greening with precipitation retention - 19/12/2023 Rain-retaining living walls improve the urban climate and protect against flooding Due to dense urbanisation and associated soil sealing, heat and heavy rainfall are becoming an increasing problem for people living in cities. Researchers at the German Institutes of Textile and Fibre Research (DITF) in Denkendorf have developed innovative living walls that not only help cool the environment, but also provide flood protection thanks to their water retention properties.
ProGrün project - 30/12/2023 Using proteins extracted from grassland cuttings to produce animal feed and exploit by-product streams Animal feed often contains protein from soy and importing it causes major environmental harm. In the ProGrün project, researchers at the University of Hohenheim, including a work group led by Prof. Dr. Andrea Kruse, are developing a scalable technological process to extract proteins from grassland cuttings and use them to make sustainable animal feed produced in the region where it will be used.
Press release - 02/11/2023 Sustainability Innovation Campus The Sustainability Innovation Campus (ICN) initiated by the University of Freiburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), which will begin its work in January 2024, has announced a two-year funding programme for start-up projects. Scientists from the University of Freiburg, KIT and cooperating universities and research institutions are invited to submit their project outlines by 30 November 2023.
Sustainable binder alternative - 18/12/2023 Copied from insects: new biological wood binder under development Plastic is all around us; and unfortunately, it is not going away any time soon. The search for more sustainable solutions is fully underway. However, binders that degrade only with difficulty or not at all are still used to bond natural materials such as wood and straw - not yet truly environmentally friendly. Fraunhofer researchers are working on an insect-inspired wood binder that makes bonded wood products both resistant and biodegradable.
urban BioEconomyLab - 07/12/2023 The city as a living laboratory for a bioeconomic, sustainable economic area Baden-Württemberg is leading the way in the transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable economy. One of the projects undertaken is the Fraunhofer IGB’s "urban BioEconomyLab" project which aims to develop a transformation model and living laboratory to find bioeconomic solutions for the sustainable design of cities and municipal industry. What is new is that the IGB takes a systemic approach, focusing on biobased and circular value…
Alternative construction materials: mycelium-based materials - 20/12/2023 Using fungi to create sustainable and economical mycelium-based materials Most of us see fungi as just food - and possibly pathogens. This is a mistake, because these amazing organisms are capable of much more: they grow on plant residues of all kinds, forming a dense and interconnected structure as they spread. The resulting material can be moulded into desired shapes and be turned into new sustainable and economically attractive products such as leather and polystyrene substitutes or building materials.
Event - 30/11/2023 - 01/12/2023 Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2023 Dresden, Kongress/Symposium
Event - 20/11/2023 Sharing Knowledge about: Insect Biorefineries and AI Tools Online, Informationsveranstaltung
Press release - 14/08/2024 New vaccine against cervical cancer combines prophylactic and therapeutic activities Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have developed a completely new vaccination concept. The vaccine is inexpensive and protects mice against almost all cancer-causing HPV types. In addition to preventing new infections, the vaccine also triggers cellular immune responses against HPV-infected cells and may therefore also have a therapeutic effect against existing infections.
Event - 11/11/2024 - 15/11/2024 DigiHealthDay 2024 Deggendorf, Germany, Kongress/Symposium
Pipetting robot for academic research - 28/08/2024 goodBot GmbH: a third arm for researchers Repetitive tasks that researchers have to conduct in the lab tend to be tiring and often lead to errors. Precise pipetting is crucial for achieving reproducible results. Automation is underrepresented in research labs and existing pipetting robots are unsuitable for scientists. This is why Dr. Julius Wiener, Tobias Zundel and Oliver Brunner decided to found the company goodBot GmbH and develop a pipetting robot tailored to academic research.
Reports, magazines, Biotech Guide ... Publications
Event - 06/11/2024 The TechMed Event 2024 TechMed Centre , Kongress/Symposium
Event - 05/11/2024 MedTech Twente Week: Explore & Connect fact-finding trip Enschede, Netherlands , Fact-finding trip
Press release - 26/08/2024 Synthetic Immunology: Approaching a Turning Point in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease Synthetic immunology is the topic of an article in the “Perspectives” section of the journal “Nature Nanotechnology”. Herein, Heidelberg researchers describe a so-called bottom-up approach that uses the toolbox of nanotechnology and synthetic biology to construct systems from molecular building blocks and specifically equip them with immune functions.
Press release - 21/08/2024 A molecular control hub maintains order How are proteins in our cells modified while they are still being synthesized? An international team of researchers from the University of Konstanz, Caltech, and ETH Zurich has deciphered the molecular mechanism of this vital process.
Press release - 22/08/2024 Validated targets for personalized cancer immunotherapy Knowledge of the target structures for the immune cells is a basic prerequisite for the development of personalized cancer immunotherapies. Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center and the NCT Heidelberg are publishing a sensitive method based on mass spectroscopy to identify such tumor-specific "neoepitopes". The analytical method is designed to detect these low abundance protein fragments and requires minimal amounts of…