Press release - 05/01/2024 Prostate cancer: Newly-developed inhibitor shows massive potential More than 65,000 men fall ill with prostate cancer each year in Germany. Twelve thousand of them develop a treatment-resistant form which eventually ends in death. Now, a team of researchers from the Medical Faculty at the University of Freiburg has developed an active substance that might in future represent a new treatment option.
Article - 04/02/2020 Medicine from the blue blood of marine snails A “living pharmacy” crawls on the ocean floor off the coastline that stretches from Southern California to Mexico: biosyn Arzneimittel GmbH, a pharmaceutical company based in the city of Fellbach in southern Germany, produces a drug to treat bladder cancer, using the haemolymph, a vertebrate fluid equivalent to blood, of Megathura crenulata, commonly known as a giant keyhole limpet.
rMSI technology - 08/11/2021 New multispectral imaging technology improves endoscopic tumour detection capabilities The quality of minimally invasive surgery depends to a large extent on the imaging properties of the endoscopes used. The Mannheim-based company Thericon GmbH has developed a multispectral imaging technology that overlays views from multiple light channels in real time to create a detailed image on which tumours can be better identified.