New polymer for wound care - 09/01/2025 Thermoresponsive adhesive for pain-free removal of wound dressings Plasters or wound dressings can only perform their intended function if they adhere securely to the skin. However, they are often painful to remove, and in some cases, damage delicate newly formed tissue. Researchers at the University of Freiburg have developed an innovative polymer that adheres reliably at body temperature but can be easily and painlessly removed, leaving no residue, after being cooled.
Press release - 05/09/2024 Cohesion at the cellular level: flexible yet stable Research teams from the Universities of Konstanz and Potsdam are analyzing how proteins work together to enable our cells to both stick and move. The marker protein paxillin is at the centre of their interest.
Press release - 13/08/2024 Peptide Boronic Acids: New Prospects for Immunology A cutting-edge chemical process is the first to make it possible to quickly and easily produce modified peptides with boronic acids. As part of this work, scientists managed to synthesize a large number of different biologically active peptide boronic acids and investigate their properties. They open up new possibilities in the young research field of synthetic immunology and could go on to be used primarily in immunotherapy.
Press release - 31/05/2024 Heidelberg University successful with six bids for collaborative research In the current approval round of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Heidelberg University has been successful with six applications for grants to fund major, internationally visible research consortia. The six research consortia − three of them will reach the maximum funding length of twelve years after their extension − are to receive financial resources totalling nearly 87 million euros over a period of four years.
Press release - 22/02/2024 A new approach to recording cellular activities In living cells, a vast number of transient events occur simultaneously. The recording of these activities is a prerequisite for a molecular understanding of life. Scientists at the MPI for Medical Research in Heidelberg and their collaboration partners have created a novel technology that allows cellular events to be recorded through chemical labeling with fluorescent dyes for later analysis, opening up new ways to study cellular physiology.
Nanoparticles as drug carriers - 09/11/2023 Inhalation of nanocarriers for antibiotics against resistant tuberculosis pathogens Around ten million people worldwide still contract tuberculosis every year. With an estimated 1.4 million deaths a year, tuberculosis was the world’s deadliest infectious disease until COVID-19. The high mortality rate is down to the sophisticated biology of the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A team of researchers from the KIT and the Research Centre Borstel (FZB) has developed a method that aims to outsmart the bacterium once and for all.
Press release - 17/01/2023 Sugar-based inhibitors disarm the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa The hospital pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa requires the sugar-binding proteins LecA and LecB to form biofilms as well as to attach to and penetrate host cells. These so-called lectins are therefore suitable targets for active substances to combat Pseudomonas infections. Researchers from Saarbrücken and Freiburg have now produced potent inhibitors for LecA and LecB that are more stable and soluble than previous drug candidates.
Press release - 15/11/2022 Silicone Sponge Captures Unknown Bacteria From human intestines to the bottom of the sea: Microorganisms populate nearly any habitat, no matter how hostile it is. Their great variety of survival strategies is of huge potential in biotechnology. Most of these organisms, however, are unknown, because they cannot be cultivated.
TGU Varimol - 24/07/2020 Click chemistry for new medical procedures Using a simple molecular click process, biochemists have been able to connect ring-shaped molecules with each other and couple therapeutically active substances to these molecules. Drugs can thus be specifically delivered to diseased cells and used for imaging processes or biosensors. The Stuttgart-based start-up Varimol is using this new technology to provide its customers with tailored applications that are as simple to use as a kit.
Company profile - 09/01/2019 HQS Quantum Simulations for industrial quantum mechanics applications The door to the quantum world is opening wider and wider. Behind it is a whole new view of materials and molecules. Quantum mechanics applications not only benefit science, they also offer huge economic potential. The Karlsruhe start-up HQS Quantum Simulations is playing a pioneering role in quantum simulations for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Dossier - 09/02/2015 Chemical tools for biological applications The boundaries between traditional scientific disciplines are becoming less and less distinct. Interdisciplinary cooperation is often required to study complex processes and biomolecular issues. Interdisciplinary cooperation is central to chemical biology.