Press release - 01/08/2024 Targeted therapy for cancer of unknown primary (Cup) Encouraging results from a large international study led by Heidelberg have recently been published in the journal “Lancet”: The genetic material of cancer cells with unknown tissue of origin contains numerous targets for specific drugs that are already available and have been developed to treat other forms of cancer. These suppressed the disease in CUP patients for significantly longer than chemotherapy.
Event - 20/11/2024 DIS&CO Health | Market opportunities in Morocco Online , Registration deadline: 19/11/2024, Informationsveranstaltung
Research association - 24/07/2024 SPI-MP: pioneer in personalised medical technology Every person is unique – even when they are ill. This is why many approaches to personalised medicine have been under development. The Stuttgart Partnership Initiative - Mass Personalization (SPI-MP), which focuses on basic research into fabrication and biomaterial technologies for personalised biomedical systems, is at the heart of such research work. The projects range from artificial knee joint cartilage to state-of-the-art stroke diagnostics.
Event - 07/11/2024 - 08/11/2024 Trinational HealthTech Days 2024 Breisach am Rhein
Event - 03/12/2024 - 04/12/2024 MEDigIT 2024 Lille, France, Kongress/Symposium
Press release - 11/07/2024 Presentation of the DKFZ Innovation Award and DKFZ Patient Expert Award The "Friends of the German Cancer Research Center" association supports the DKFZ and aims to help strengthen its position in international competition. With the DKFZ Innovation Award presented at this year's DKFZ annual reception, the association honored Titus Brinker as a researcher whose highly innovative work builds a bridge from research to practical application with commercialization potential.
Save the date - 28/11/2024 Meet & Match - Gender Medicine: Biological insights and healthcare advances Strasbourg (France) | CIARUS, Registration deadline: 27/11/2024, Meet & Match