Press release - 13/06/2024 BioRegio STERN receives 2024 award for best ZIM innovation network BioRegio STERN Management GmbH was today presented with an award at the Innovation Day for SMEs held by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Its “biohymed” project was named the year’s best innovation network under the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM).
Press release - 20/08/2021 Innovative Drug Discovery New drugs are intended to help stop viral zoonoses – infections that jump from animals to humans. To study suitable inhibitors, Prof. Dr Christian Klein from the Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology (IPMB) of Heidelberg University is receiving funding in the amount of 450,000 euros from the Volkswagen Foundation.
Event - 03/04/2025 Innovation for Health 2025 Rotterdam, Netherlands, Kongress/Symposium
Quantum Technology Ulm - 08/04/2021 Diamonds for life sciences innovations The world's first commercial quantum computer,’IBM Q System One’, is now in operation in Ehningen near Stuttgart. This is a major leap forward in quantum technology in Germany. It marks the point at which conventional computers reach their limits. The University of Ulm is involved in three of six collaborative projects being funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Construction.
Expert interview - 16/12/2024 Learning from Nature for Innovation Natural phenomena are used to find technological solutions in a number of fields. In an interview with BIOPRO, Prof. Dr. Peter M. Kunz discusses groundbreaking innovations emerging from Baden-Württemberg and shares insights on how the principles of bionics can inspire the next generation of innovators.
Press release - 10/01/2024 MedTech Company KARL STORZ Acquires British AI Specialist Innersight Labs The family-owned MedTech company KARL STORZ announces the acquisition of the innovative software manufacturer Innersight Labs Ltd. (ISL) headquartered in London. In addition to state-of-the-art endoscopes, high-end medical devices, and integrated solutions for the operating room, KARL STORZ is also continuing to expand in innovative software solutions.
Dossier - 04/11/2013 Biotechnology driver of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry The biotech industry is the innovative driver for a pharmaceutical industry that, due to the shift from blockbluster products to personalised medicine, now depends on new concepts. The production of new drugs using genetic engineering relies on knowledge gained from genomics, proteomics and systems biology and creates new treatment strategies that combine therapy and diagnostics (i.e. companion diagnostics) to provide a specific individualised…
Dossier - 18/11/2013 Innovative textiles made possible by biotechnology Biotechnology plays a part in many high-tech fabrics that have become an integral part of our everyday life. Whether it is products for the treatment of wounds, fabrics for marquees or for clothing, many materials have been developed or are produced using biotechnological techniques and processes. Many products marketed as “micro” or “nano” are inspired by nature.
Funding Innovation Prize of the German BioRegions 2025 Competition, Funded by: BIO Deutschland e. V., sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 14/02/2025
Event - 18/02/2025 - 19/02/2025 MedtecSUMMIT 2025 - For Innovators. For Leaders. For YOU Nürnberg, Germany , Registration deadline: 12/02/2025, Kongress/Symposium
Press release - 11/07/2024 Presentation of the DKFZ Innovation Award and DKFZ Patient Expert Award The "Friends of the German Cancer Research Center" association supports the DKFZ and aims to help strengthen its position in international competition. With the DKFZ Innovation Award presented at this year's DKFZ annual reception, the association honored Titus Brinker as a researcher whose highly innovative work builds a bridge from research to practical application with commercialization potential.
Project REVeyeVE - 06/02/2025 Targeted, virus-free gene therapy for the eye using degradable nanopropellers Eye diseases that result in blindness in young people are primarily caused by genetic mutations. An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg is developing an innovative gene therapy method using biodegradable, magnetic nanopropellers. These innovative nanopropellers can effectively deliver intact genes into the affected cells, offering a potential solution for treating genetic disorders of this kind.
Press release - 10/03/2022 Innovation Day Upper Rhine provides cross-border knowledge transfer Inspiration, innovation, networking are the name of the game on April 12, 2022, when the trinational event “Innovation Day Upper Rhine” (IDUR) takes place at the Palais Universitaire on the University of Strasbourg campus. Twelve universities in the Upper Rhine region, including the University of Freiburg and 100 partner companies of the EU funded project “Knowledge Transfer Upper Rhine” (KTUR), invite to a day of exchange and meeting.
Hearing loss - 29/06/2022 Innovative micro loudspeaker brings back hearing Hearing loss often severely restricts the lives of those affected and can only be partially reversed with conventional hearing aids. The innovative hearing aid developed by Vibrosonic GmbH from Mannheim transmits sound vibrations directly to the eardrum and can thus almost completely restore the natural hearing experience.
RHEACELL GmbH - 28/07/2022 Innovative stem cell therapy for chronic wounds Non-healing, chronically inflamed wounds can be very painful and carry the risk of serious infections. The Heidelberg company RHEACELL has developed a unique drug based on ABCB5-positive mesenchymal stem cells that helps reprogramme the relevant immune cells and promote healing.
Tablet-based diagnostics - 12/04/2023 TuCAN - innovative diagnostic procedure for neuropsychiatric disorders Neuropsychiatric disorders are often diagnosed late and have a negative impact on quality of life. Diagnosing the disease at an early stage is vital to be able to help those affected by offering them treatment adapted to their specific requirements. This is what the TuCAN project in Tübingen aims to achieve through the early and differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders.
Press release - 05/11/2024 How biomedical innovation improves preclinical research 3D tumor models, simulations of drug responses or plant stems used for testing heart stents: the 3R-BioMedicUS center at the University of Stuttgart is developing innovative biomedical approaches to improve preclinical studies, to be seen in the new video.
Press release - 10/01/2025 MedTech Company KARL STORZ Acquires British AI Specialist Innersight Labs The MedTech company KARL STORZ announces the acquisition of the innovative software manufacturer Innersight Labs Ltd. (ISL) headquartered in London. In addition to state-of-the-art endoscopes, high-end medical devices, and integrated solutions for the operating room, KARL STORZ is also continuing to expand in innovative software solutions. Its large customer base, including top-class physicians worldwide, can now look forward to 3D models.
Press release - 03/02/2023 Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim officially founded Non-profit limited liability company creates institutional framework for interdisciplinary research collaboration, innovative technology development and outstanding healthcare in the Rhine-Neckar region.
Photon-counting technology - 01/02/2023 PC3 consortium: innovative computed tomography for Baden-Württemberg The University Hospitals of Freiburg, Tübingen and Mannheim have been cooperating with each other since 2021 to test new types of computed tomography devices. With the help of photon-counting technology, the aim is not only to improve patient care, but also to encourage local companies to develop downstream data processing technologies.
Press release - 28/08/2023 Innovative computational approach helps design proteins for cancer treatment The computational design of new proteins for biomedical or other applications involves long computing times on powerful servers. A joint team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen and the University Hospital Tübingen has now developed and tested a new computational method to greatly speed up the necessary energy calculations. Their framework allows for a precise and efficient design of functional proteins.
Press release - 26/10/2023 Innovative research aims to improve wound healing and cancer therapy Jun.-Prof. Dr. Priscilla Briquez, junior professor at the Department of General and Visceral Surgery at the Freiburg University Medical Center and member of the Medical Faculty at the University of Freiburg, has received a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant from the European Commission. Her DRESSCODE project will receive a total of 1.5 million euros funding for five years.
Expert interview - 13/05/2019 Innovation management in the life sciences – Inova DE provides insights Personalized medicine, medical technology, digital health and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing diagnostics and product development. Analyses are becoming faster and more precise, and data volumes can now be networked and used effectively. The goal of improving people's quality of life is within reach, and this will also strengthen Germany’s future viability. However, not every good idea can be turned into a marketable commodity.…
Press release - 10/04/2024 Cyber Valley grants 500K to CELL’n’ROLL via 2023 Innovation Fellowship Program Pioneering cutting-edge diagnostic systems for the detection of complex diseases: Cyber Valley is pleased to announce it has awarded funding of 500K EUR to the CELL’n’ROLL team through the 2023 Cyber Valley Innovation Fellowship program, funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung.