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  • Dossier Advanced therapy medicinal products

    Novel gene and cell therapies are associated with high expectations in the treatment of incurable and hereditary diseases. Among them, CAR-T cell therapies have emerged as a major hope in cancer treatment.
    © BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH

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  • Industry report The healthcare industry in Baden-Württemberg

    BIOPRO's new report entitled "Healthcare Industry 2020: Facts and Figures for Baden-Württemberg" illustrates key figures like num the number of companies, number of employees and taxable turnover for the biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceutical industry.
    © MR.LIGHTMAN / Adobe Stock

Latest news

  • Elastin as artificial muscle material - 02/03/2022

    As far as diversity and complexity are concerned, proteins are nature's smallest marvels. Biotechnologists have already used natural proteins as a basis for the development, bespoke design and production of artificial systems. This is what the livMatS cluster of excellence at the University of Freiburg has been doing. Researchers in the cluster have successfully produced an artificial muscle from elastin that functions autonomously.

  • Press release - 02/03/2022

    More and more data from various European countries prove: Vaccination against human papillomavirus not only prevents precancerous lesions, but also reliably protects against cervical cancer. On the occasion of the International HPV Awareness Day on March 4, Nobel laureate Harald zur Hausen hopes that many more parents will recognize this unique opportunity to protect their children from preventable cancers by vaccinating against HPV.

  • Press release - 01/03/2022

    The RNA Printer® is CureVac’s integrated and automated manufacturing solution for RNA vaccines and therapeutics. CureVac RNA Printer GmbH to provide dedicated infrastructure to accelerate development and broaden application range of The RNA Printer®. Dr. Markus Bergmann appointed as General Manager for CureVac RNA Printer GmbH.

  • Press release - 22/02/2022

    In the field of optogenetics, scientists investigate the activity of neurons in the brain using light. A team led by Prof. Dr. Ilka Diester and Dr. David Eriksson from the Optophysiology Laboratory at the University of Freiburg has developed a new method to simultaneously conduct laminar recordings, multifiber stimulations, 3D optogenetic stimulation, connectivity inference, and behavioral quantification on brains.

  • Macrophages interacting with cytomegaloviruses - 22/02/2022

    Cytomegaloviruses are basically harmless. However, if they occur along with other pathogens, they can trigger serious diseases. They can manipulate our immune system and encourage resident defence cells to migrate. Researchers at the Centre for Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI) at the Freiburg University Medical Centre have discovered which mechanisms underlie the behavioural changes in macrophages that make it easier for other pathogens to attack.

Website address: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en